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“Kyivski Kartoshki” Meat-infused Potato Chips

  1. Take a few large skin-on Potatoes and wash thoroughly in room temperature water to clean. 
  2. Slice the Potatoes (unpeeled, skin-on) into wafer-thin chips (0.5-1.0 mm thick), using a Food Processor, Mandoline vegetable slicer, Grater, Peeler or a sharp kitchen knife.  Make sure the individual slices are cut fully off, i.e., do not stick to each other. 
  3. Wash the potato slices in ice-cold water, washing off the gummy liquid starch on the surface of the freshly-cut slices.  [This will make the chips cook more crisply later, I don’t know why.] 
  4. Let the potato slices dry out a while, using ambient drying (at room temperature). 
  5. Prepare a liquid marinade composed of Chicken (or other meat) stock, a little MSG (enhances the meaty flavor), vinegar and salt to taste, and a few other healthy spices of your choice (in powder or paste form), e.g., turmeric, black pepper, garlic, ginger, onion, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, paprika, chili, moringa, etc., and a little bit of Baking Soda (makes it more alkaline, and increases the crunchiness later).  The spices are a matter of personal taste and health preferences. 
  6. When the potato slices are apparently a little dry, put them in a container with the marinade fully covering the slices.  Leave to soak for a few hours or up to overnight. 
  7. After the potato slices have been sufficiently marinated and have absorbed the marinade fully, take the potato slices out and leave out to dry out at room temperature. 
  8. Once the marinated potato slices have dried out somewhat, spray or sprinkle with a little bacon grease, cooking spray, olive oil or other healthy cooking fat on them, massaging the potato slices gently so as to smear the entire surface of each chip.  But use as little of the fat as possible to do this. 
  9. Microwave the potato slices for a few minutes, until the fat starts to sizzle on the surface of the chips. 
  10. Then take chips out, press with kitchen paper tissue or a towel to remove the surface grease or fat. 
  11. Then load the chips into the food dehydrator.  Run the machine at 110ᵒF or 44ᵒC for 4 to 6 hours, or until chips are crisp and dehydrated. 
  12. Take chips out, and pack in water-retardant polythene bags or vacuum packs.  Label as warranted, e.g., house-branded – “Kyivski Kartoshki”. 
  13. Sell as an artisanal, healthy, protein-fortified, low-fat, low-sodium, non-fried, Chicken- (or other Meat-) Flavored Potato (wafer) Chip. 